<aside> ☕ ✨ This template was originally copied from @chunbuns on YouTube and then slightly modified to fit my needs. Watch her YouTube video embedded below to learn how to use this template. Feel free to duplicate this workspace by clicking on the three dots in the upper right hand corner of the page and selecting “Duplicate” (just make sure you’re logged into your Notion account first).


<aside> 💡 It's important to document the design process and discussions around how you've reached the final designs. Writing about your work helps you articulate the why behind your design.




💭 Problem

What are you trying to solve (include both user and business problems)

👀 Context

What is the current state of affairs that will help us better understand the problem space? What's working well/not working?

🎯 Goals

What goal do users/business have? (ie. Increase conversion rate, bring clarity to reduce support tickets)

✏️ Solution

What are all the possible solutions we can think of?

Option 1: Write out a user flow

Option 2: Write out a user flow

🗒 Notes