UX Fundamentals will teach you how to apply user-centered design principles in order to improve your website and mobile app design. A must-take course for anyone working in web design and development.

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Lesson 1: Welcome To Ux Fundamentals

User Experience Design can help you make better decisions, win design arguments, and increase your knowledge (and value) in the field of web and mobile design. This brief overview demonstrates why that is true.

Lesson 2: Take “You” Out Of The User

This lesson features an introduction to the importance of identifying users and their goals. You’ll learn the value of finding empathy for those users, as well as how to define the direction of your website or app using personas and scenarios.

Lesson 3: Wireframes And Prototypes

You’ll learn how wireframes act as sketches for web pages and mobile apps, as well as how to make them easier to create for you and your clients. Additionally, you’ll learn the difference between wireframes and prototypes, and why both work best when you build them fast.

Lesson 4: Make Your Content Make Sense

If you really want to know how to best organize your client’s website, let your users tell you how to do it. We’ll give you specific strategies for doing so in this lesson. You’ll also learn how writing can instill trust in your customers, and why that is good for business.

Lesson 5: Best Practices

Best practices are another name for helpful conventions, and in this lesson, you’ll look specifically at the convention of design patterns in UX. You’ll learn how design patterns can be used for good as well as for evil, and why you should beware the Dark Side!

Lesson 6: Watching Users

Learn how analytics allow you to see what your users do, and more importantly, how you can use that information to make design decisions. You’ll also discover the importance of usability tests and the cycle of UX design.

A Note From Sarah:

If you find any bit of this information helpful or inspirational then I hope you will consider supporting me and my coding journey by buying me a coffee through Ko-fi. ☕️ Any little bit helps and is appreciated!

💌 Sarah